
Why they won't give wealth to black people – Dr Boyce Watkins

Why they won’t give wealth to black people – Dr Boyce Watkins

Tonight, I am reading Dr Claud Anderson’s book, “Black Labor, White Wealth.” This is part of the Dr Boyce Book Club. You can access all lectures in The Dr Boyce Book Club by visiting

Dr Claud Anderson speaks about why it’s not fair to compare black people to immigrants. Black Wealth has remained stubbornly low for a long period of time. Much of this is due to the lack of opportunities provided to African Americans and the way in which black wealth is stolen from the community.

In his book, Dr Anderson says that there is often a double standard in America when it comes to #BlackOwned Businesses, and how black people are viewed by others.

Dan Lacy, an historian, says, “Whites denounce blacks as lazy and lacking ambition, while they resent black competition. They are angered by taxation for welfare and other social programs, but are equally angered by equal opportunity and affirmative action job policies for blacks.”

While government programs may not be the best solution for all situations, there is certainly room for debate regarding how black labor built this country, but it’s led to white wealth for others.

That’s what tonight’s discussion is all about.
