
Trailer – Coaching While Black

At the Center for Healing and Justice through Sport, we work to ensure that more young people and athletes have access to sport experiences that work to address issues of systemic injustice and are inclusive and healing-centered.

In addition to providing training, consulting, and movement building support for coaches and organizations, CHJS strives to provide groundbreaking and practical resources to help create more healing-centered sport experiences and brain-based coaches across the globe.

One such resource is this podcast, Coaching While Black. Created and hosted by CHJS Lead Consultants and Trainers Anthony Andino and Chris Reed. CWB discusses current events in sport and how institutional racism and lack of Black leadership and influence negatively impact young people and athletes in sport. We also take time (a lot of time) to talk about who is doing it right. Or as we like to call it – giving our flowers – to those who already lead with healing and love, especially within the Black community.

We need more Black voices to be heard. We need more Black experiences to be celebrated. We need more for our Black community.

So for all humans who work with young people in sport – check out Coaching While Black today wherever you listen to podcasts. Subscribe, review, and share with your friends. And want to learn more about CHJS? Follow us on all social channels @chjsorg and visit our website and contact us today at
