
The Gay Minority – How Many Americans Are Gay?

” After years of wild guess and flawed estimations, Gallup has attempted to get some hard data on just how many gay, lesbian, and bisexual people there are in America. So how good are their are numbers?

The polling company took state-by-state surveys of all 50 states and District of Columbia, asking one simple question: “Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?” With more than 200,000 responses over the course of six months, this is a pretty large sample for a seemingly simple question that has yet to be definitively answered. Gallup also found that outside of a few outliers, the results were remarkably consistent across the entire nation. Averaging all the state polls together gives you a nationwide average of 3.5 percent, and every state in the union (but not D.C.) is within two percentage points of that average. That’s also right around the margin of error for the polls.”*

There was previously no hard number on exactly how many Americans are gay. It was previously assumed the gay American population was around 10%, but it’s actually much lower. Why such a low reported number? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more from The Atlantic Wire:

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