
Perspective: The Future Of Black America Depends On African-American Men Handling Their Business

We’ve laid out this whole issue in terms of the struggles that people actually go through when it comes to not having a father in a home. We’ve talked about what it means when you have a husband who is not handling his business when it — when it comes to domestic violence, the impact on the wife, the impact on the children, the impact on future relationships.

But the most important thing that I think we have to confront is that what we are describing today: 70 percent of kids being born out of wedlock, fewer African-Americans getting married; you have a higher number of Black women who are going to college versus Black men who are in college, and they’re saying, “Who am I going to marry later?” — all of this is absolutely preventable. But it’s not going to start in the White House. It’s not going to start in governors’ mansions. It’s not going to start with the county government or the city council. It’s actually going to start exactly where we are.
