
How to Build Black Generational Wealth Together, OAP (Brother Mitree) Q&A (Brother Rosario) LBWT

Brother Mitree from the Organic Afrikan Paradigm Interviews Brother Rosario
from Lets Build Wealth Together ( LBWT ) to give you a deeper understanding of the vision and mission potential and purpose of LBWT

Let’s Build Wealth Together created an ethos to build a strong foundation of wealth for the next generation, empowering generation after generation and securing the legacy of financial freedom. Educate a black woman is to educate a nation, teach a man agriculture and how to farm and fish and he can continue to feed his family and provide for the community

Let’s build Wealth Together and Wealth together and break the chains of poverty in the black communities around the world, Africa, West indies, America, Brazil, Europe etc. Let’s build wealth together mission is to merge with as many black organisations and businesses under one tree with many branches, with one common purpose.

Listen to 1 of 4 parts as you gain more understanding about this simple peer-to-peer compounding metrix formula were black people invest in black people, building trans-generational wealth for their families, communities, organizations, associations, and businesses, empowering entrepreneurs and providing African education through mentorship and coaching from the Organic Afrikan Paradigm brother Mitree.

May 2022
