Editor's PickMoney

Dems Pouring $7 Million Into Georgia To Support Warnock

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Georgia) topped Herschel Walker by about 35,000 votes in this week’s general election, but it wasn’t enough to keep him out of a runoff.

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Georgia) topped Herschel Walker by about 35,000 votes in this week’s general election, but it wasn’t enough to keep him out of a runoff.
Photo: File (AP)

Whatever your politics, maybe the best thing about putting the midterm elections in the rearview mirror is the end of being bombarded with campaign ads, texts and polls. Where I live in Pittsburgh, I couldn’t watch Jeopardy! for weeks without a commercial telling me that radical Summer Lee (who just became Pennsylvania’s first Black woman elected to Congress) wants to defund the police! Or that John Fetterman’s stroke made him unfit for office, or that Dr. Oz hates puppies and conducted cruel experiments on them. Thank de lawd I live in a secure building where door-knocking isn’t possible.

But for residents in Georgia, the commercials, ground game and texts aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. The race between Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, and Republican Herschel Walker, is headed for an early December runoff since neither candidate reached the 50% of the vote needed to win outright under state law. What that means for voters is not just having to head to the polls one more time to have their voices heard, but also that they’re about to be flooded with pitches from both candidates for the next month.

Already, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee announced it’s pouring $7 million into the runoff effort to support ground efforts to turn out votes for Warnock, continuing a new national strategy under which the party’s Senate campaign arm emphasized spending on its ground game rather than buying commercial time.

“We know talking directly to voters through a strong, well-funded ground-game is critical to winning in Georgia, and we’re wasting no time in kick-starting these programs in the runoff,” Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Sen. Gary Peters said in a statement about the new spending.

On the GOP side, neither Walker’s campaign nor the Republican Senate Campaign Committee have publicly put a dollar amount on their early runoff spending, but betting odds are on it being exactly a shit-ton.

From NBC News

The head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee pledged Wednesday to raise whatever money he can and begin an advertising blitz this week for Herschel Walker’s runoff in Georgia against Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock…

…Scott said, his focus will be limited to raising “every dime” possible for Walker after the NRSC plowed $14 million into the race. The committee will start running TV ads this week.

Scott also urged donors and surrogates in a memo to get involved, including through TV appearances, to solicit campaign donations for Walker.”

In short, no matter who you support in Georgia, now might be a good time to hide your kids and your wife, because these commercials are coming for everybody out here.

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