
Demonetization of currency – Time Pass and Real Solution of Black Wealth. Sorry for Voice Quality

कृपया अधिक चर्चा के लिए पर जाकर रजिस्टर करें और पोस्ट करें

कृपया हमारा फेसबुक पेज लाइक करें –

आप हमारे प्रस्ताव इस लिंक में देख सकते हैं – चैप्टर 57, 25, 6,1,


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Update on November 22 – already two encountered terrorists were found to have Rs. 2000 notes –

Update on November 26 – Within days of RBI releasing Rs. 2000 notes, fake notes have been printed –

Cash recovery has been less than 6% of the undisclosed income seized from tax evaders, shows an HT analysis of data from tax raids from financial year 2012-13 onwards. writes Appu Esthose Suresh in Paid Hindustan Times of Nov 12 2016

Even if Government of India (GoI) removes all notes and leaves ONLY Re 1 coin, then also corruption will remain same !!! Because if medium becomes problem, corrupt people and terrorists will switch to bitcoins, silver, gold or dollars
There are plenty of mediums that GoI cant track and even God cant track
Solution is to fix laws that remove ability of IAS / IPS / judges / Ministers to extract bribes and ability of terrorists to make fake notes. Blocking medium will only prompt people to switch to another medium

Please see solutions and more details at chapter 41,25,1,6

Drafts –

1) Deemed auction on sale of property – (

क्रमिक नीलामी प्रक्रिया – (Deemed auction on sale of Property draft in hindi) –

2) Wealth tax –

—- Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta

Why SoGa / NaMo / ArGandhi are scared of and oppose the right to recall party proposal that names of ALL land owners and their land holdings should be put on net
