
Black History Month – Resources for Black Business

Black entrepreneurs are three times as likely as white entrepreneurs to say that a lack of access to capital negatively affects their businesses’ profitability and almost twice as likely to cite the cost of capital. Business networks can support Black entrepreneurs, but Black entrepreneurs are less likely to know and hear about relevant networks that can help support and promote their businesses, (

But there is hope, there are resources and community groups that support black businesses and want to see us thrive and succeed. Remain optimistic, seek help and support services. This is our time, we got this.

Links to companies and resources mentioned in the video:

JP Morgan Chase Advancing Black Pathways:

Back Black Businesses:

Black Business Association:



US Black Chambers:

Marls NYC:

#supportblackownedbusinesses #supportblackentrepreneurs #supportblackownedbusiness #blackentrepreneurs #blackentrepreneur #marlsnyc #blackhistorymonth
