
Black Genius in the Digital Age | Paris Dennard + More | Talks at Google

Google’s Decoding Race Series – is the first step of a longer-term strategy – intended to inform and empower Googlers to have open and constructive conversations on race, and its intersections.

As early adopters of technology, the Black Diaspora uses the internet as a way to showcase the complexity of Blackness., In this forum we explore Black Genius in Tech – the new language developed (misogynoir), the social movements created (#BlackLivesMatter), and the dialogue in virtual communities (Black Twitter) that push us into a new age. We also juxtapose how while Black genius creates technology, the people behind these developments are rarely funded to develop their ideas, afforded access to tech workplaces in critical mass despite being qualified, or the opportunity to be apart of the decision-making.

Moderator: Chris Genteel
Panelists: Paris Dennard, Angela Rye, Deray Mckesson, and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson
