
Black African American Muslim Sisters Why Some Black Men Don't Want Some of You.

Black African American Muslim Sisters Why Some Black Men Don’t Want Some of You.

The fundraiser page

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B.A.M.O. Goals:

Phase One Fundraiser’s goal is $3,200 to get 501c3 nonprofit status. Furthermore, for courses, materials related to and not limited to Islamic Psychology and Finances/Economics, social and medical, and psychological issues related to Black American conditions in the US stemming from Systemic Racism of White Supremacy. The effect of White Supermacy affects our well-being in the US. To keep up our Website and Streaming Media. The best way to start is first by acquiring nonprofit status.

Pase Two Estimate’s finical goal is being researched based on completing Phase 1 first. Phase 2 will be to build a research team Phase 1 working into Phase 2. Finding everything related to Black American social issues, from social-economical mental health /psychological with an Islamic solution. Then look at how this also affects the African American Muslims in the US. This information and its conclusion are used to build an Islamic Framework to address all of these issues affecting African Americans in the US.

Pase Three Estimate’s finical goal is based on completed Phases One and Two. We are then inshallah building an institution where the Framework can be utilized in our community.

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