
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Condemns Memphis Police Officers’ Deadly Beating of Tyre Nichols

The illustrious Black Greek fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, condemned the Memphis police officers’ brutal and subsequently deadly beating of unarmed Tyre Nichols in an official statement.

“While we applaud authorities’ swift decision to terminate these officers and the grand jury’s decision to charge them with second degree murder, kidnapping, and other charges, justice is yet to be served.

Incidents of police brutality and the shootings of unarmed Black citizens continue to be commonplace.  As a Fraternity with a storied history as a champion for social justice, we urge the U.S. Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021 and for local and state officials to ensure their local police departments revamp and enact comprehensive training programs for their police officers.

We also stand with the Nichols family and offer them our prayers and heartfelt condolences. We ask that our fellow Alpha Brothers, who choose to participate in protests do so peacefully as well as refrain from the reposting the videos of the heinous beating out of respect for the Nichols family.

Lawmakers and authorities must take a stand today and put an end to police brutality and the shooting of unarmed Black citizens.”

The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., headquartered in Baltimore, MD, was founded on December 4, 1906, at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. The Fraternity has long stood at the forefront of the African-American community’s fight for civil rights through Alpha men such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Adam Clayton Powell, Thurgood Marshall, Paul Robeson, Andrew Young, Edward Brooke and Cornel West. The fraternity, through its more than 720 college and alumni chapters and general-organization members, serves communities in the United States, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean.

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