
Cooponomics, Financial Independence & the Black Community's Remedy

Self-help along with a community of like-minded individuals, is a recipe for a remedy. To establish a basis for a remedy, one must realize there is a pre-existing contract and that one of the parties to this agreement, violated terms of the obligations to you. The formation of the contract is based on two scenarios, explicit knowledge of the agreement or a tacit agreement. Under any scenario, anyone who makes a claim against you or anyone else, is implying the existence of an agreement and that agreement must be produced to establish a remedy. Reparations is the result, like punitive damages, but before any damages are awarded, one must prove that there is a preexisting contract in any form and then the establishment of the breach of obligation.

Cooponomics is our self-remedy, and it can be a temporary replacement to mitigate any further abuses we may receive through this economic system of oppression. We cannot drive on a flat tire, to continue we must use a spare to get to our destination, so we can get a new one. Our financial well-being works the same. We must redirect and repurpose our capital as a cooperative group to remedy our financial situation now and for the future.
