
LIVE – Africa Wildlife | Magnificent Birds, Bushbabies, Genets & Bats

🐦Welcome to our South African suburban garden in Pretoria!🐦

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Relaxing audio for all from South Africa


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🐦📓 Sasol’s Larger Illustrated Guide to Birds of Southern Africa:

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🎥Behind the Scenes🎥

Large diversity of more than 50 Species:
If you see or notice any birds or animals on Allen BirdCam that are not on the list, please share on Facebook
Images as well as information about when observed would be appreciated.
Bird sounds for cats, a wonderful Cat TV

Please enjoy Allen Birdcam as our small contribution to share a little window into Africa and the wonderful blessings from nature, highlighting the importance of taking good care of our valuable environment.

Fruit is typically used, such as apples, bananas, and pears. You will also see specially prepared saw meat and suet served several times per day. The tube feeder has mixed birdseed inside and the glass feeder is full of nectar water.
Lantern seed feeder – (international version similar to one on cam)
Tube seed feeders – ;

System Setup
Streaming Server (similar spec)
Presonus mic’s ;
Behringer Xenyx Q502USB
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface
XLR audio cable
ℹPlease take care and stay safe!ℹ

ℹA large diversity of birds and animal visitors have been observed on and around our birdfeeder:ℹ
African green pigeon – Treron calvus
African grey hornbill – Lophoceros nasutus
African hoopoe – Upupa africana
African olive pigeon – Culumba arquatrix
Amethyst sunbird – Chalcomitra amethystina
Arrow-marked babbler – Turdoides jardineii
Barn owl – Tylo alba
Black-collared barbet – Lybius torquatus
Bronze mannikin – Spermestes cucullata
Brownhooded kingfisher – Halcyon albiventris
Burchell’s coucal – Centropus burchellii (umGugwane or uFukwe)
Cape crow – Corvus capensis
Cape robin-chat – Cossypha caffra
Cape sparrow – Passer melanurus
Cape starling – Lamprotornis nitens
Cape wagtail – Motacilla capensis
Crested barbet – Trachyphonus vaillantii
Cut-throat finch – Amadina fasciata
Dark-capped bulbul – Pycnonotus batbatus tricolor
Diederik cuckoo – Chrysococcyx caprius
Fischer’s lovebird – Agapornis fischeri
Fork-tailed drongo – Dicrurus adsimilis
Green wood hoopoe – Phoeniculus purpureus
Grey lourie / Go-away bird – Corythaixoides concolor
Grey-headed bush-shrike – Malaconotus blanchoti
Guttural toad – Sclerophrys gutturalis
Hadeda ibis – Bostrychia hagedash
Hamerkop – Scopus umbretta
Helmeted guineafowl – Numida meleagris
Indian mynah – Acridotheres tristis
Karoo thrush – Turdus smithi
Large Spotted Genet – Genetta tigrina
Laughing dove – Spilopelia senegalensis
Lesser Bushbaby – Galago moholi
Lesser masked-weaver – Ploceus intermedius
Pied crow – Corvus albus
Purple-crested turaco – Tauraco porphyreolophus
Red-billed quelea – Quelea quelea
Red-eyed dove – Streptopelia semitorquata
Red-faced mousebird – Urocolius indicus
Red-headed finch – Amadina erythrocephala
Red-winged starling – Onychognathus morio
Ring-necked dove – Streptopelia capicola
Rock dove – Columba livia
Rose-ringed parakeet – Psittacula krameri
Rusty-spotted genet – Genetta maculata
Scarlet-chested sunbird – Chalcomitra senegalensis
Southern boubou – Laniarius ferrugineus
Southern masked weaver – Ploceus velatus
Speckled mousebird – Colius striatus
Speckled pigeon – Columba guinea
Spotted eagle-owl – Bubo africanus
Thick-billed weaver – Amblyospiza albifrons
Village weaver – Ploceus cucullatus
Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat – Epomophorus wahlbergi
White-bellied sunbird – Cinnyris talatala
Woodland kingfisher – Halcyon senegalensis
Yellow-fronted canary – Crithagra mozambica

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