
Trump Viciously Slanders Georgia Prosecutor Ahead Of Indictments

During a speech in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Donald Trump viciously slandered Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis by claiming, without any evidence, that Willis had an affair with a “gang member.” It isn’t a coincidence that Trump is trying to link “gang” activity to a black prosecutor, but that isn’t going to stop what’s coming for him in terms of indictments. Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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During a campaign rally in New Hampshire this week, Donald Trump launched into an exceptionally racist and completely fabricated attack on Fannie Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney, who is expected to indict him any day now. Now I’m gonna read you what Donald Trump said, and, and I gotta tell you, of all the things I have heard Donald Trump say, this one strikes me as possibly one of the worst things. Here’s what he said. They say there’s a young woman, a young racist in Atlanta. They say she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member. And this is a person who wants to indict me, wants to indict me for a perfect phone call.

Now, he says, they say she had an affair. So technically because he’s saying, they say, you know, I heard somebody else make this claim, but I’m repeating it. Uh, that kind of, I won’t say it completely shields him from liability, but it’s a good strategy to get yourself out of it should you be sued. Not that Fannie Willis is going to sue him for this completely fabricated attack because the, they say in this particular instance happens to be Trump ally and serial, uh, campaign loser, Laura Loomer. Now, Laura Loomer recently on social media posted this Atlanta da Fannie Willis, who is targeting Donald Trump in Georgia, is a straight up thought. Turns out she failed to disclose a previous relationship she had with a gang banger. She was supposed to be prosecuting. Baby girl belongs in a trap house, not a courthouse. So there’s that, you know, fairly, depending on your interpretation, racist attack on Willis from Loomer. And again, it’s completely untrue. Like she was supposed to be prosecute. She did actually prosecute the gang members.

She also had known one of them previously when she helped them set up their record label. And he described it as an auntie and nephew relationship because she kind of mentored him and then his friends ended up getting prosecuted. That’s what happened, and that’s been widely reported. That also has nothing to do with any of the case. She did not have an affair with this individual. But these attacks by Donald Trump on an African American prosecutor that is about to indict him, this is about as disturbing and disgusting as it gets. And his audience ate it up. His audience loved it. They believed this garbage. They are so far into that Trump cult that they don’t care that there’s

No, no evidence to back it up. They don’t care when they see somebody like Laura Loomer put this on social media. They say, oh, well, Loomer said it. So it’s true. They have no ability to think for themselves. And that’s of course why Donald Trump has been successful. It’s why all of these little, you know, Trump allies out there have become popular on social media. They know how stupid his followers are because they are stupid. They’re crazy dangerous, but they’re stupid and they’re stupidity actually makes them more dangerous. They’ll believe whatever he says, and he is trying to discredit this prosecutor before she can hit him with these indictments. And I hope she hits him hard. I genuinely hope with all of these trials against Donald Trump, I hope that man spends his last days on this planet in prison. He is such a disgusting, despicable to borrow a term from Hillary Clinton, deplorable human being, that that’s what he deserves. And I hope that these prosecutors are able to make that happen.
