Editor's PickMoney

Congressional Black Caucus Aligned Super PAC Shakes Up 2024 Election

The 2024 election is rapidly approaching. And while most eyes have been on the White House, the fate of Congress also rests in the balance. On Tuesday, allies of the Congressional Black Caucus launched a new super PAC, the Rolling Sea Action fund, primarily aimed at flipping the House.

While control of the House is always an important electoral goal, Democrats have a unique opportunity this election cycle. As we’ve previously reported on, for the first time, ever, a Black Congressman, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), is leading a major party in Congress. If Democrats win in 2024, Jeffries is in line to become the first Black speaker of the House.

The fund’s Executive Director Niccara Campbell-Wallace, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC’s former political director, says she wanted to start the super PAC to engage Black voters year-round, not just in the months before an election.

“Black voters are the backbone of the Democratic party, but for too long, we’ve failed to meet the entirety of our coalition with year-round voter engagement,” said Campbell-Wallace in a statement. “We are going to meet voters where they are with year-round, culturally competent engagement that makes sure our communities know what Democrats in Washington are doing to fight for us.”

The super PAC says that they will invest “eight figures” across battlefield states to engage Black voters in competitive races that flip control of the House in favor of Democrats.

In recent years, Super PACs and money in politics have become a controversial topic even within the Congressional Black Caucus. Earlier this year, the Root interviewed Congresswoman Summer Lee, who, despite facing massive super PAC spending aimed at defeating her, has refused to accept PAC money herself.

But the heads of the Rolling Sea Action Fund insist that this new spending is key to investing in Black voters.

“In recent years, Black voters have reminded America of our power to shape and protect our democracy when we are engaged and energized,” said Kevin Liles, Chairman and CEO of 300 Elektra Entertainment and member of the RSAF advisory board, in a statement. “Rolling Sea is a commitment to leave no stone unturned, further empowering our community by reaching Black voters in authentic ways where they are. As part of the Rolling Seaboard, we’re investing in Black voters year-round to ensure every voice is lifted and represented in Congress.”

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