
Black Econ Network Video#10 = Part 2 Join African Diaspora Development Institute to invest in Afrika

The Black Economic Network Channel Video # 10 is the 2nd part of the intro to the ADDI = African Diaspora Development Institute in the previous video.

This BENetwork podcast looks at website and is a follow-up to Video #8 in which OAU Ambassador Dr Arikana mentioned the ADDI and explains how Afrikans and Diasporans can pool their financial resources to invest and make big profits especially in mining and banking in Africa like the other races have been doing for centuries.

( Dr Arikana was the Ambassador of the Organization of African Unity to the USA and Caribbean.)

The white colonialists governments and companies from Europe and North America have been exploiting the resources and people in Afrika and the Diaspora for centuries. The Chinese are the most recent and most aggressive to control Afrikan resources & people.

However, the ADDI is being organized for Diasporans to help reduce our dependence on the old and new colonizers by growing black biz and other investments in Africa also, in addition to investment where we live like the other races do.

Afrika for the Afrikans @ home & Abroad.
United we stand, But divided we fall.

This video is in line with the mission or main goal of the Black Econ Network Channel which is to build a network that will help Africans & Diasporans plant and grow their own biz and other economic projects and programs.

Also to use political independence and power to gain financial power and win economic empowerment and liberation.

Business ownership in proportion to our share of the population where we live will give us more economic power to win our economic independence and reduce our dependence mainly on the other races for our survival.

The BlackEcon-Network is to help plant & grow their own black biz & other investments, also to use political power to gain economic independence for black people in Africa & the Diaspora.

If the other races can own profitable businesses even in communities and countries where black people are the majority, why cant we.?

Yes we can own more businesses & do more investments to employ ourselves also, if we network more with each other to cooperate and become masters of our own destiny.

Yes we can cooperate more with each other to use political power to gain more economic power and win economic independence.

Afrika for the Afrikans @ home & Abroad.

Unity gives strength for success & victory.
