
Top FBI Staff Informed a ‘Sizeable Percentage’ of Employees Felt Sympathetic to 1/6 Terrorists

There is, at best, a “sizeable percentage of the employee population that felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol,” top FBI were told of employees in the agency in an email suggesting it was a matter of “significant importance.”

“Wanted: FBI Director willing to conduct internal review of January 6 intelligence/law enforcement failure,” Ryan Goodman of Just Security wrote over a document reported by NBC’s Ryan J. Reilly and Ken Dilanian which informed top FBI that a “sizeable percentage of the employee population that felt sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol.”

As an example, an A/SSA from a red state told the email author that approximately “75%” of the agent population understood the frustrations of the terrorists, although they didn’t agree with the violence. The author had to explain to a “blue state” agent the difference between legitimate grievances and an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of the sitting president.

In case anyone is wondering where these agents would get ideas like this, the author reports one office having had the TVs turned to Fox News but then changing to Newsmax, because Fox was “playing to the left” and “fake news.”

Multiple African American agents reportedly turned down asks to be on a SWAT team because they did/do not trust their fellow agents to protect them in an armed conflict.

These are “not one-offs” but rather “representative of a larger group within the organization.”

“Chris Wray has given his abject failure on J6 the back of his hand. So unbefitting a public servant, who owes us candor, rigor and accountability,” DOJ alum Andrew Weissman wrote on Twitter.

When a “sizeable” percentage of our FBI agents side *against the United States of America* and with the Big Lie, we need to clean house, like yesterday. We also need someone willing to finally, at long last, take on the cancer of the far Right wing media like Fox and Newsmax. It is being played to our troops and to agents and analysts in our top law enforcement agency, who believe they are hearing actual news. The fact that they lack the critical thinking skills required to do a cursory search and realize that Fox News admits to being “entertainment” is troubling enough.

Anyone siding with the Trump terrorists is disloyal to the United States and therefore unfit for duty as top law enforcement. This needs to be made clear, the American people deserve to feel that they can have some trust in the law and its enforcers.

Right now, no one can suggest that the people should trust law enforcement with a straight face, and that is a very bad sign for democracy – which depends upon law and order.

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