Africa Forum 2017 – Session 3 – The politics of industrialisation
Africa Forum 2017 – Entrepreneurship and Africa’s industrialisation
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
OECD Headquarters
2, rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris
On the eve of its industrial revolution, Africa is confronting a triple challenge: create millions of decent jobs, protect the environment and substantially increase the productivity of its economies. It is confronting these challenges in the face of rapid technological changes and by relying on its immense human and natural resources. The success of Africa’s industrialisation strategies will depend largely on the quality of public policies by African governments – and to what extent these policies include a role for entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs in Africa are multifaceted: born by choice or necessity, operating in urban, rural and peri-urban areas, pursuing high – and low-tech paths. So, which actors should be given priority? What type of programmes should be designed? What types of partnerships will be necessary? To what extent and how will entrepreneurs fuel Africa’s industrialisation?