
Jen Psaki Makes It Clear That Biden Won’t Pander To GOP For SCOTUS Nominee Votes

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that President Biden would nominate an eminently qualified nominee that should get GOP votes on her own merits.

Video of Psaki:

Psaki said when asked if Sen. Ben Ray Lajun’s stroke means that it might be necessary for Biden to get Senate Republican votes for his Supreme Court nominee, “We have conveyed that we haven’t set a deadline for when a vote should be. We’ve said that we want it to happen as expeditiously as possible. We have also said, and I’ll reiterate, that because the president has every intention of nominating an eminently qualified black woman to serve on the supreme court that this is a person who should warrant bipartisan support. That is what we hope for. “

Republicans Aren’t Going To Get To Sink Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee

Jen Psaki made a great point. There is no time deadline for the confirmation vote. The media is rushing this vote because they want DRAMA, but there is no reason for the White House to push for a vote until Sen. Lajun is back at work in the Senate.

Biden can have the nominee confirmed anytime before the end of the year. There is no rush. His nominee should get Senate Republican support because he is going to pick someone with excellent qualifications, but the Biden White House isn’t going give Senate Republicans the power to sink his Supreme Court nominee.

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