
25% Of All African-American Women On The Federal Bench Were Nominated By Biden

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor that 25% of all the African-American women who are federal judges were nominated by Biden.

25% Of African-American Women Federal Judges Were Nominated By Biden

Video of Majority Leader Schumer:

Senate Majority Leader Schumer said:

Under President Biden and this Senate Majority, we’re taking historic steps to make our courts look more like the country they serve by confirming highly-qualified, diverse nominees.

A quarter—a quarter—of all African American women who sit on the federal bench were nominated by this Administration and approved by this Senate. Just hear that. 25% of African American women who sit on the federal bench came through this Senate this year. That’s the progress we’ve made in a relatively short amount of time.

In fact, nearly 70% of all of the President’s nominees have been non-white, dwarfing the records of every single President since at least Jimmy Carter. Some say, well why was that? Because the bench has been almost all white, as I have said. We have ground to make up so the courts can represent America.

These aren’t abstract facts and figures—who we put on the bench matters, the personal experience that each judge brings to bear cannot be merely glanced over.

Biden And Senate Democrats Are Changing The Face Of The Federal Judiciary

The American people benefit when the federal judiciary is not white male-dominated. Judges should bring not only outstanding legal knowledge to the bench but also a diversity of experiences.

The federal judiciary is beginning to look more like the rest of America, thanks to President Biden and Senate Democrats. A little more than one year into his first term and Biden’s presidency has been transformational.

Biden is breaking America out of the status quo, whether it is through policies like the expanded child tax credit or nominees like the first black woman to sit on the Supreme Court.

The media focuses on what Biden and the Democrats have not gotten done, but what they have accomplished is historic and will impact the country for decades to come.

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